Monday, January 9, 2012



Such a funny thing
It has its own way
            Its own process
What a way to learn
It always took me a time
Moments pass
Versions emerge
Time ticks away
More distance
No more familiar
No more steady shoulder
Everyone moves on
Change has no preference
            Only obligation
It can be hard to accept
Old sayings come to mind
Friendly advice from another you
            So easy to forget
            So easy to get lost
Distance makes you think
Makes you crazy
Makes you forget
So desperately I won't to leave that part of me behind
But, and always subtlety, it appears
            Behind some dark alley
            Or an old song
                        It has a large arsenal
Occasionally I escape the heavy artillery with a flank to the vice
Only holding steady for a moment
            But keeps the retreat at bay
A distant enemy has a way of sneaking from behind
I'm tired of battle
Why can't distance bring peace?
Three thousand miles and I'm still looking over my shoulder
Shadows appear in you image
            Coming to threaten all I've gained
I suppose, well it can feel like, your dropping bombs from the base of your heart.
Stop the contact
No more what could have been
My future cannot depend on the unknown
            But wait, the unknown excites me
You know that
You're using my weaknesses against me
I must say one hell of a strategy
I'll be honest, I admire the play
            But not with me
I'm no hero
No superman
I hurt and wonder
            Weakness takes me and I offer my surrender
            I give up
            My white flag is raised
But then I'm reminded that this is not the outcome you want
You like the misfortune
Dictator of heats
Ruler of my misfortune
I wish what I needed and what I wanted was the same
How often it isn't
The distance makes you think
It can drive you mad
            Or to the place you want to be
I'm trying
I'm losing, but I'm trying
Give me distance
Give me distraction
Time will embrace me
            And show me that it was all just some distant memory one day
So tomorrow, and the next day
I will open myself to change
Let it take me
Consume me into forgetfulness
Then maybe, just maybe
            I'll let someone in again with the same risks
            And just enjoy the ride front row
Should this happen and I see you again
I'll simply say this:
            "Thank you for the spectrum that led me to my present state.
            By the way you look great. No, I'm busy. Sorry. But maybe some other time
            Oh yeah, just so you know, you changed my life…my everything. We may never meet again outside my martini memories, but you will be here with me…always. You know, on that note I should go. Good to see you and the entire marvel you are, but the longer I stay, the more sanity I lose. I tell you what. Look me up in 5 years and we'll weigh out the benefits of communication and all the predicted flashbacks of pain I'm sure will follow. But you know that I know it wouldn't stop me from from…
Brief wonder
Moments of what if
            Keep it as long as you can
The heart has a way of crusading through all logic
None of this works
            Too many what ifs
It's what you need and what you don't
Could it please, just make sense?
Along with the heart and the pain, the logic can keep its distance as well
Dizzy circles
Different planets
It's just distance

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