Monday, January 9, 2012

another conversation keeps me going

another conversation keeps me going

Turn and turn and turn again
I tend to twist my thoughts up when
A new arrival enters in
Some cocky wannabe connected counterfeit
Hands cards like candy and never content
Break off from the frequent routine that spells out everyday
Let the leisure suits of Sunset get the guillotine rejection
Tell them you know true art
Apart from their Gucci suits and sushi breath
Rests a man with no principal or morals set
Fuck the industry and what it expects
Changing the world comes from your heart and everyday tests
Let the rich rise blindly towards their fake heavens
Whether in the biblical sin of sanctifies or white padded walls
The real riotous walk proud and tall
Whether written, scribbled, or sung
The world will change when the chosen are hung
I take in this air into my lungs and gasp for greater virtue
When will we awake to new and nurture our mistakes back to
Hell, this has all been a sham
I speak as if I know who I am and what purpose we process
I'm sorry to fool you, even if for a moment
I'm just a fool that's mastered not to show it
I sit here drinking as always
Pondering my next story and how it will play
I get lost everyday in the meaning of trying to find meaning
Seeming that boxed wine, cigarettes
And popping pills without regret will somehow show me a sign
Line up the shots
Let the whole lot know this is not a show, but what is this?
A flying kiss from a crazed stranger sends me to second thoughts
I ought to introduce myself
I ought to amuse myself and leave the kind corner shadow alone
Zone off this section, its for crazed toned tempered
I cant think like this
Not when I miss every dull minded comment by a three second delay
Say, you in the corner
Don't be such a loner
Come here and tell me a story
One with guilt and worry
The one that will make me fill better and give me ideas
The only way I'm alive is that I live in a world that constantly reminds me
That privileged depression only blinds me into believing
That leaving behind all I love is OK
But, hey that's me and you'll see
Those people in the corner will keep me going on
Even if I cant remember the last two lines of the song or their names tomorrow
They sing not for recognition or sorrow, but for change
And that's what I hope to help rearrange
So I'm drunk on wine all the time
But I'm kind and consider the bond between us all
Through every passing doorway and bathroom stall
Connection is the key
Not like L.A. where it comes with a fee
But those times when you know
And they know
And it shows it the slightest of gestures
Sometimes the one in the corner can be a magical messenger
Now, if only I was kind enough to remember the name
What a shame I don't recognize half the numbers in my phone
That's my life
That's my tone
That is why I'm so sorry and alone
I can't sleep at night
I'm right on the edge of a dream, so it seems
But then again I'm on shots of Beam and boxed wine
This happens all the time
Whine, whine, whine
We really are the downfall of the time
But in my mind, that's what I love
That's what I live to capture
The tango dance between love and rapture
Rare moments that lead us to change
Having new thoughts to rearrange
And it can come as fast as the corner's shadow
So, don't be shy just say hello
Your life may change
But are you brave enough to show
You don't care about media thoughts
Only what you know

Now I will stumble to bed to dream of dancing shadows and all that they mean.

The hardest thing in life is to believe in something. And through all my "so-called" mistakes and misfortunes I've come to one solid fact that has defined my crossroads and sunken treasured bonds, I believe in myself and all I'm capable of and all I will accomplish. Pain and heartbreak will come and go, but this is my one constant variable. And should I die alone, it will be without resentment or regret.

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